
Electronic Circuits And Their Components

All the circuits of a computer are made up of various basic electronic components.  These components are the fundamental building blocks of the electrical/ Electronic Circuits.They are generally found on the hard disk drive , motherboard and on in the other parts of a computer and it's peripherals. For a field technician,  it is necessary to identify these components correctly.  The electronic components are embedded on PCBs. A PCB acts as a base for the components that are mounted on its surface and soldered. The components are generally soldered on the circuit board according to a specified design. The circuits are initially built and tested on a breadboard before being embedded in a PCB. Electronic components that may be embedded in a PCB are of two types: • Active  • passive 

Introduction To Electronics

Electronics is the branch of science which involves the study of flow and control of electrons (electricity) and their behaviour and effects.  This branch deals with electrical circuits involving active electronic components such as vacuum tubes, transistors,  dishes and integrated circuits and passive electronic components such as resistors, capacitors and inductors, along with interconnection technologies.

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs)

MSDSs are available with most of the products which have potential to cause damage to the equipment or some sort of humans while dealing with them. A few examples of these products are: ▪Cleaning solutions such as LCD Cleaner ▪Battery ▪printer cartridge Cleaning solutions such as LCD cleaner, battery, adapter and printer cartridge. MSDS provides information about the safety factors of handling the products and includes their characteristics,  handling strategy, storage instruction and disposal method. It is the responsibility of the technician to read the MSDS sheets which are available with the products . For example , while using a cleaning product to clean the LCD screen of the monitor, if that product is leaving some patches on the screen, it is advisable to read the MSDS sheets prior to using the product.

Electro Static Discharge (ESD)

ESD is the sudden build-up of static electricity when two differently charged objects are brought together. While repairing electronic products, ESD is one of the issues that arises, as it can cause damage to the electronic devices and components. Following are some causes of ESD ▪Unshielded cables and components  ▪improper grounding  ▪Human  negligence  ▪Movement of Air ▪Use of synthetic materials ▪Absence of Electrostatic wrist strap ESD protection is essential for sensitive components during assembly of a device and in the finished device. It can cause severe damage to components such as microchips. Grounding is imperative for RED prevention. An ESD simulator having special output circuit called Human body model (HBM) IS generally utilized to test the vulnerability to electronic devices to ESD from Human contact.

Earthing The Equipment

Earthing means connecting the electrical system,  through its non-current carrying conduconductor part, with the ground. The earthing or grounding of a system plays a vital role in maintaining the stability and safety of the system. With poor earthing, electrical systems are prone to damage or accidents.  Following are some purposes of earthing  •Fix the potential of active conductors with respect to earth. •Limit the voltage in electrical system between non-current carrying parts and the earth l. •Remove risk of electric shocks by implementing protection devices. •Limit rise in potential because of medium voltage faults in network with low voltage.  Earthing can be mainly classified as follows: ▪Equipment grounding ▪System grounding  Equipment grounding In this type of earthing system, all the metal parts that are not carrying current are interconnected and then they are connected to the earth.Hence, there is no potential or voltage between : • The metal parts that are not carrying cu

Some Common System Problems And Their Solutions Part 3

Problems/symptoms Devices not listed in BIOS Action : ▪Ensure that the drive is installed properly. ▪Ensure that the cables are connected properly. Problem/symptoms  No operating system (OS) found or similar message  Action : ▪Ensure that the system is set to boot from the right device.  ▪Ensure that the proper boot order is listed under the boot menu.  ▪Remove any non_bootable dvd from the drive.  ▪Ensure that the boot drive is the first option.  ▪Once boot drive is found, the OS begins to load it.  Problem/symptoms Non_working devices /Device not recognized  Action : ▪Ensure that the cables are plugged in.  ▪Ensure that the cables are firmly connected to the ▪device.  ▪Check that the add_on card are seated in their slots  ▪Check the device drivers.  ▪Try to reinstall the device driver or download the latest version.  ▪Try to uninstall and reinstall the device. Problem/symptoms Problems after installing New software or device driver Action ▪Uninstall the software or driver. ▪Return t