Earthing The Equipment

Earthing means connecting the electrical system,  through its non-current carrying conduconductor part, with the ground. The earthing or grounding of a system plays a vital role in maintaining the stability and safety of the system. With poor earthing, electrical systems are prone to damage or accidents. 
Following are some purposes of earthing 
•Fix the potential of active conductors with respect to earth.
•Limit the voltage in electrical system between non-current carrying parts and the earth l.
•Remove risk of electric shocks by implementing protection devices.
•Limit rise in potential because of medium voltage faults in network with low voltage. 

Earthing can be mainly classified as follows:
▪Equipment grounding
▪System grounding 

Equipment grounding
In this type of earthing system, all the metal parts that are not carrying current are interconnected and then they are connected to the earth.Hence, there is no potential or voltage between :
• The metal parts that are not carrying current, such as the enclosure body, cable channels, metal race way and equipment frame.
• The non current carrying metal parts and the earth.

System Grounding
System grounding is used to protect an electrical/ electronic system from any kind of superimposed voltages that are caused by an accidental contact with the systems with high voltage and lightening. This is also required to prevent building of static charge on the equipment.  System Grounding establishes a reference point with zero voltage for the system.


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