Assembling And Installing A Desktop

Assembling And Installing A Desktop
Installing and assembling a desktop is very simple and can be performed by anyone who can read the instructional manual thoroughly and follow it step by step.

Following are some of the steps to assemble and install a desktop ( note that these steps may not apply to all the desktops , but are typical steps to be performed)

• Remove any plastic covering or protective tape
• place the monitor and computer case on the desk/table
• locate the monitor cable
• connect one end of the cable to the monitor port of computer case and the other end to the monitor.
• plug the keyboard PS/2 connector into the purple port behind the computer case.
• plug the mouse PS/2 connector into the green port behind the computer case.
• connect the speakers to the computers audio port.
• locate the two power supply cables
• plug one end of the first power supply cable behind the computer case.
• plug the other end to a surge protector
• use the second cable to connect the monitor to the surge protector


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