Guess Paper For 12th Class Physical Education


Long Answer Type Questions

•What is Physical Fitness? Explain the importance of physical to fitness in sports.

I. What do you mean by Endurance?How can you
prove it to be an ability to resist against fatigue?
Describe interval training in detail. Give its merits and demerit,

•What is the aim of circuit training method? Describe this mcthod of training in detail.

•Explain how can you develop speed through acceleration and pace run training methods.

•Discuss in detail the various factors which influence the physical fitness.

•Describe various components of Physical Fitness in detail.
•Define Sociology. Explain how sociology can help in developing sports ethics.
•Discuss the various factors which influence the Physical Fitness.

• Explain how can social qualities be developed through medium of physical education and sports.

•Write the significance of Sociology in the field of
Physical Education.

•Explain in detail the games and sports as man's cultural heritage.

•What do you mean by Sociology? Describe the importance of Sociology in Physical Education and Sports.
•Draw a labelled diagram of Basket-ball Court. Write its dimensions and historical background

•Define strength. Explain isometric, isotonic and isokinetic strength exercises briefly.

•What is circuit training? Prepare six-station programme and mention its benefits.

•Explain essential elements of positive environment and give its importance in games and sports.

•Discuss the need of environment in Physical Education Programme.

•State the role of an individual for improvement of a Positive Environment. 

•What is positive environment? Elaborate any three important elements of it.

•Enumerate the role of an individual for improvement of positive environment.

•Give a brief history of Basketball. Explain the fundamental skills of game.

•Plot the sector of shot put with a brief explanation of its techniques.

•Explain the basic rules of cricket. Make a list of the defensive strokes of Table Tennis and explain any three. 
•Mention various jumping events, Explain any one event with the help of diagram.

•Plot the sector of javellin throw with the explanation of its techniques. 

•Make a list of fundamental skills of cricket and explain any three skills in detail.


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